Course curriculum

    1. About this course

    2. About us

    1. What is paediatric first aid?

    2. Minimising the risk of infection & Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

    3. Paediatric First Aider Roles and Responsibilities

    4. First Aid Equipment

    5. The storage and administration of medicines to infants & children

    6. Arriving on the scene

    7. Contacting the emergency services

    8. The order of priority

    9. Clearing up after an incident

    10. The recording and reporting of an incident

    11. Safe use of first aid equipment - minimising infections

    12. PPE

    13. Fears of giving first aid

    14. End of section quiz

    1. Undertaking a scene survey

    2. The primary survey

    3. DRABCD

    4. The order of prioritising the treatment for infants and children

    5. Communicating with the casualty

    6. End of section quiz

    1. The respiratory system

    2. The composition of the air we breathe

    3. Airway Maintenance

    4. What is CPR?

    5. Initial rescue breaths- expired air ventilation for infants

    6. Initial Rescue breaths- expired air ventilation- For children

    7. AED machines

    8. Once the AED arrives

    9. AED pad placement

    10. Compression only CPR

    11. The chain of survival

    12. End of section quiz

    1. What is a secondary survey?

    2. Conducting a secondary survey

    3. The Recovery Position

    4. Seizures and what a first aider can do

    5. Partial seizures

    6. Generalised seizures

    7. End of section quiz

    1. An obstructed airway

    2. Partially blocked airway

    3. Completely blocked airway

    4. Hypoxia

    5. Treatment for a choking infant

    6. Treatment for a choking child

    7. Unconscious choking infant or child

    8. End of section quiz

About this course

  • Free
  • 124 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content