Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    1. The law

    2. Employers responsibilities in relation to health and safety

    3. Employees responsibilities in relation to health and safety

    4. Hazards and risks

    5. Risk assessment

    6. The hierarchy of control

    7. Typical hazards in the workplace

    1. The Humans Right Act

    2. Trespass

    3. The rules in the use of self defence

    4. The use of force

    5. Preventing Breach of the Pace and Saving a Life

    6. The Criminal Law Act 1967

    7. When can a door supervisor use force?

    8. The Conflict resolution model

    9. Summary of the use of force

    1. What is an arrest?

    2. What powers of arrest do door supervisors have?

    3. A breach of the peace

    4. What are indictable offences?

    5. When should an arrest be made?

    6. How to make an arrest

    7. Can I use force to make an arrest?

    8. What to do after making an arrest

    1. What is the Licensing Act?

    2. Licensing objectives

    3. What are licensable activities?

    4. Key elements in licensing

    5. Responsible alcohol retailing

    6. Disorderly conduct

    7. What are licensing offences?

    1. Why search?

    2. Searching requirments

    3. Search policy

    4. What can happen if a search is carried out without consent?

    5. How to search people and their property

    6. What should door supervisors be searching for

    7. When drugs or a weapon is found

    8. How to complete a search register

    9. What are offensive weapons?

    10. Possession of an offensive weapon

    11. Confiscation and safekeeping of items

    12. What to do if a weapon is found during a search

About this course

  • Free
  • 64 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content