Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the course

    1. Statistics

    2. What are the 13 deadliest food items for choking?

    3. What size is considered a choking hazard?

    1. Introduction

    2. What is the difference between gagging and choking?

    3. Preparing food safely

    4. How to serve fruit and vegetables to an infant or child

    5. How to serve meat and fish to infants and children

    6. How to serve nuts and seeds to an infant or child

    7. How to serve cheese to an infant or child

    8. How to serve bread to an infant or child

    9. Other types of foods and snacks

    1. Food on the go

    2. Storing food safely

    3. Defrosting food

    4. Reheating food

    5. Leftovers

    1. Common Causes of Airway Obstruction

    2. Mild choking

    3. Severe choking

    4. Treatment for a choking child

    5. Treatment for a choking infant

    6. In conclusion

    1. End of course summary

    2. End of course assessment

About this course

  • Free
  • 26 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content