Course curriculum

    1. Introduction- Welcome to the course

    2. Learning outcomes

    1. What is the Licensing Act 2003

    2. What the law states

    3. What are the times when alcohol may be sold?

    4. Are there occasions when alcohol may be sold outside the normal times?

    5. Do I need permission to sell alcohol?

    6. Who is responsible for making sure alcohol is sold legally?

    7. Does a premises providing entertainment need a licence?

    8. Can I refuse to serve alcohol to a drunken or disorderly person?

    9. What are the licensing objectives?

    10. Who checks that licensed premises are operating legally?

    1. What is alcohol?

    2. Typical alcohol content of drinks

    3. Low alcohol and alcohol free drinks

    4. Units of alcohol

    5. Drink driving

    6. Age restricted products

    7. Test purchasing

    8. What are the consequences if alcohol is sold to an under 18 year old?

    9. What is meant by ‘age verification’?

    10. When should ID be requested?

    11. Which proof of age documents may be acceptable?

    12. How to check proof of age documents

    13. Avoiding conflict when refusing to sell alcohol

    14. When must a sale of alcohol be refused?

    15. When are under 18's allowed to drink alcohol?

    1. Assessment

    2. End of course assessment


About this course

  • $10.00
  • 30 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content